Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Senators Klobuchar and Franken say no to abortion restrictions!

After the passage of the health care bill in the US House that includes the heinous Stupak Amendment the health care debate moves into the US Senate. With many mixed messages about similar language being introduced in the Senate version or whether or not there will be votes to pass a bill with or without language restricting abortion access, Minnesotan’s can are looking at their Senators and wondering where the stand in this debate. Well the wait is over and we know where they stand.
Senator Klobuchar is against the Stupak language: "I prefer the Senate version because we basically were careful that we were not going to restrict that type of coverage — that an individual using their private money would be able to buy [a plan that includes abortion coverage]. . . I think that was the right way to go. Hopefully we will be able to prevail."
And Minnesota’s junior senator, the replacement to anti-choice Sen. Coleman, Al Franken is not in favor of the House language: "I am not happy with it. . . I mean it basically says that a woman cannot buy a policy on the exchange that covers abortion… even with [her] own money, and I think that that is not right and we will try to change it."
So hats off to Senator Franken and Senator Klobuchar!!! Please take this time to either call or e-mail both of our pro-choice Senators and thank them and urge them to continue to stand up for women.
Senator Franken:
DC Phone: 202-224-5641
MN Phone: 651-221-1016
E-mail: info@franken.senate.gov

Senator Klobuchar:
MN Phone: 612-727-5220
DC Phone: 202-224-3244
Toll Free: 1-888-224-9043
E-mail: http://klobuchar.senate.gov/emailamy.cfm

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