Thursday, February 4, 2010

Focus On... Something Else

CBS will air Focus on the Family's new anti-choice ad during the Super Bowl - subjecting nearly 100 million people to an ad that doesn't tell the true story of Focus on the Family's extreme agenda.
The ad will tell the story of Tim Tebow's mother, who in 1987 decided to continue a pregnancy which her doctors warned her could threaten her life. Does NARAL Pro-Choice America disagree with her decision?
No, we're not criticizing her decision. In fact, Tim Tebow's mother made the choice that was best for her and her family... and that's exactly what it means to be pro-choice. Unfortunately, Focus on the Family wants to take that choice away from other women.
Tell me more about Focus on the Family.
Focus on the Family has an unmistakable anti-choice, anti-birth-control, anti-sex-education, and anti-gay agenda. Its views on women are insulting and dangerous. Here are just a few of the outrageous claims the group has made:
Its web site urges women facing unintended pregnancy to seek "wise advice" because "the hormones and extreme emotions of pregnancy make reasonable decisions more difficult."
Its web site calls sex outside of marriage "destructive."
In 2008, Focus on the Family endorsed a divisive anti-choice "personhood" ballot measure in Colorado that would have banned abortion and threatened birth control. Fortunately, pro-choice Coloradoans, led by NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, resoundingly rejected this measure.
Focus on the Family spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to support California's discriminatory Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in the state. The organization's founder, James Dobson, claimed that gay marriage will "destroy the Earth."
What you can do to show you're against this ad:
Instead of watching Focus on the Family's ad, for 30 seconds, just focus on… something else. Use Facebook and Twitter to tell everyone why you object to the ad and tell them what you'll focus on instead of watching it.
On Facebook, use this as your status update, and just add your answer in place of [YOUR ANSWER HERE]. Make sure to link to this page to help educate your friends.
Focus On The Family is anti-choice, anti-birth-control, & anti-gay. When its Super Bowl ad runs, I'll join @NARAL Pro-Choice America and #FocusOn [YOUR ANSWER HERE] If you agree, post what you'll #FocusOn as your status.
Here's what to post on Twitter:
FocusOnTheFamily is anti-choice & anti-gay. When its SuperBowl ad runs, I'll join @naral & #FocusOn [YOUR ANSWER HERE] Pls RT
Here are some ideas for what to write:
I'll focus on catching up with my friends.
I'll focus on my family.
I'll focus on letting the dog out.
I'll focus on getting another beer.
I'll focus on refilling the salsa bowl.
I'll focus on watching the Puppy Bowl.
We're sure you can come up with other great ideas.
About NARAL Pro-Choice America
NARAL Pro-Choice America fights to guarantee every woman the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion.

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