Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Healthcare Debate Rages On...and on...

Well, we still do not have healthcare reform. And we have all heard the protesters, yelling about the government deciding their healthcare. “Keep government out!” they are hollering.
Except....for abortion. Apparently, when people talk about keeping government out of their lives, they do not mean to include a woman’s uterus.
We aren’t just talking about keeping a public option from “paying for abortions.” The Baucus Health Care Bill already did that—it maintained the current restrictions on funding the medical procedure. But last week, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) introduced an amendment that would go much further; he introduced an amendment that would require women who purchase comprehensive private insurance packages — that include abortion services —to pay for the entire cost of the package (even if they qualify for subsidies) and obtain a separate rider for abortion coverage.
Thankfully, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) stood up for women’s rights. Responding to the proposed amendment, Sen. Stabenow said, “I find it offensive . . . that any woman, any family purchasing through the exchange, if they did not receive any tax credit, would be prohibited from having the full range of health care options that they may need covered. . . This is an unprecedented restriction on people who paid for their own health care insurance.”
Thankfully, the amendment was defeated by a vote of 10-13.
And those who oppose health care reform are using abortion as their wolf cry. And proponents of health care reform are buckling on the issue. For those who oppose government intrusion, this issue should be simple: keep restrictions on abortion coverage out of the health care bill.
Contact Senators Amy Klobuchar (202-224-3244) and Al Franken (202-224-5641) NOW and tell them you want health care reform NOW. Tell them you EXPECT them to push for your right to make reproductive health decisions!

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